at NARCON 2014

We had a fun time at the National Association of Rocketry’s 2014 Convention, NARCON, in Cocoa Beach.

Our room had a wonderful view of the beach and ocean, but the event kept us so busy that we had little time to stay in the room.

International Palms ResortWe covered four tables in the vendor room with an assortment of rocketry products.

2014_03_01_08_39-000We had the pleasure of meeting many interesting people including Vern and Gleda Estes.

Bracha with Vern and Gleda EstesWe introduced a couple of new products which will be available from soon.

Odd'l Rockets PigasusDesigned by Chris Michielsson, the Pigasus is a new kit from Odd’l Rockets.

Chris also designed the new plastic parachutes for ParachuteThe plastic sheet is part of a parachute kit which can be used to make a 12″, 15″, or 18″ parachute.

Bracha and I had a wonderful time at NARCON. We would like to thank and congratulate the organizers for bringing a world-class event to Central Florida!